Hepatitis Day July 2019

Hepatitis Day July 2019


Worldwide 300 million people are unaware that they are living with Hepatitis.

World Hepatitis Day calls on people from across the world to take action, and to raise awareness to “find the missing millions.” This is truly a global campaign.

It is designed to raise awareness of the importance of testing, to push the need for national testing policies, and to educate wider audiences about viral hepatitis with the focus on prevention, testing and treatment.

Hepatitis B and C cause over 1.3 million deaths annually worldwide. This is more than HIV/Aids and TB. In Africa Hepatitis B and C is a silent epidemic affecting over 70 million people.

If you are aged between 45 and 60 you are more likely to be unknowingly living with Hepatitis C than any other age group. In Africa teenagers are more likely to be unknowingly living with Hepatitis B than any other age group.

About 15- 25% of people with Hep B get chronic liver disease which can include liver damage, liver cancer and cirrhosis. Hep C is a leading cause of liver transplants and liver cancer.

Hepatitis B is transmitted through contact with blood and other bodily fluids. It is very unlikely to be contracted through kissing or sharing cutlery. Hepatitis C is spread through direct contact with infected blood.

What is viral hepatitis?

It is an inflammation of the liver, most commonly caused by a viral infection. The liver is a vital organ that processes nutrients, filters the blood and fights infection. When the liver is inflamed or damaged, its’ function can be affected.

Early symptoms include fatigue, sudden nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, low grade fever, joint pain, and others. Hepatitis C also causes a yellowing of the skin and eyes.

What can you do to prevent contracting Hepatitis?

Getting vaccinated is the best way of preventing Hepatitis B infection. There is NO vaccine for Hepatitis C, it is treated through a variety of drugs. Early detection and treatment is vital.


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World Hepatitis Day July 2019

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