Discovery Wellth Fund Healthcare Benefits – September Newsletter
- September 14, 2023
- Posted by: Informed Healthcare Solutions
- Category: Discovery Health Newsletters

Discovery Wellth Fund Healthcare Benefits
The Discovery Wellth Fund Healthcare Benefit: Have you dipped into your Wellth fund yet? Discovery created this once-off benefit to help members access health checks that you may have missed over the last few years.
The benefit runs for all existing members from 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2024, or when your funds are depleted (whichever is sooner). If you joined Discovery after 1st January 2023, the benefit runs from your inception date for two years (or until your funds are depleted). Each adult is allocated R2,500 and each child is allocated R1,250, with a family maximum of R10,000.
To activate your Wellth Fund, every adult member of the family needs to complete their Discovery Health Check at a participating pharmacy or Discovery Wellness Centre.
Every child member needs to have the Kids Health Check at a participating pharmacy or the Kids Health Review completed online for them on their parents’ profile. Once the Health Checks for ALL members on the policy have been done, the Wellth Fund is then activated automatically. Health Checks are covered in full from the Screening Benefit for all members.
While there are funds in your Wellth fund, eligible claims will be paid from this fund, instead of from your day-to-day benefits such as your Medical Savings Account if your plan has one. This preserves your day-to-day benefits for other claims over the year.
Members on plans with network providers will need to use those network providers for Wellth fund claims. Claims from the fund are paid at the Discovery rate for your particular plan. If you use a provider that charges more than the Discovery rate, then you will need to pay the difference.
Discovery Health – WELLTH Fund PDF
General Health
- One GP visit per person per year, 1 dental check up, 1 eye check up, 1 hearing check up.
- Skin cancer screening, heart consultation, lung cancer screening for long-term smokers, medical devices (T’s and C’s apply).
Discovery Wellth Fund – Physical Health
- Diet, nutrition and weight management at a dietician.
- Visit to a biokineticist or physiotherapist.
- Fitness assessment at a Discovery Wellness network.
- Foot health at a podiatrist.
Mental Health
- Mental wellness consultations with a social worker, registered counsellor, psychiatrist or psychologist.
Men and women’s health
- Gynecological and prostate consultations with your doctor, and a bone density test.
Children’s health
- Children’s wellness visits which include growth and development assessments with an occupational therapist, speech therapist or physiotherapist.
Discovery Medical Aid – WELLTH Fund Cover
What is your Vitality Status Goal?
What status level you want to achieve with Vitality really depends on what benefits you are using on a regular basis. If you are using the benefits that give you better discounts with higher status levels:
- Flights through Vitality Travel,
- Discounts on your Life or Retirement products.
Then you would want to achieve the highest status level possible for your family. The points below can be earned by members age 18 and older, unless otherwise stated.
Start with the zero cost points:
- Complete your Vitality Age Assessment (free, online) 1 500 points per adult
- Next complete your Mental Health questionnaires (free, online) 500 points per adult (twice a year with 6 months between each assessment)
- Finally complete your Vitality Health Check at a participating pharmacy. One per year is paid from the Screening Benefit. Earn between 2 500 and 22 500 points depending on your results.
- Include an HIV test with your Vitality Health Check and earn 7 500 for your first check through Vitality, and 1000 points per year for every subsequent check. These are paid from the Screening Benefit.
Vitality Benefit Snapshot
- Virgin Active and Planet Fitness: Adults discounted up to 75%, kids up to 50%. Your percentage depends on the number of times per month you visit the gym. The main member needs to be a gym member for family to have membership. Activate a zero-fee Discovery Bank account for Pay-as-you-gym from R75 per session.
- Ster Kinekor adults enjoy half price tickets for 2D and 3D movies, and 25% on NT Live, Imax and Prestige. Kids up to age 17 get free movies before 7pm (once per movie).
- Vitality Travel: Activate Vitality Travel through Discovery Bank, by opening a zero-fee Discovery Account. The Flight benefit gives discounts of up to 35% (excluding airport fees) on international and local flights, depending on your Vitality Status. Discounts apply to 2 international flights and 3 local return flights per year, after which the discount drops to 10%. Members enjoy a 25% discount on Car Hire (unlimited) and Vitality Holiday Accommodation (a list of national accommodation).
- Activate the HealthyFood, HealthyCare, HealthyBaby, HealthyDining and ActiveGear benefits and get 10% discount Increase this to 15% by finding out your Vitality Age and to 25% by having a Health Check. Additionally further increases available through Discovery Bank: HealthyFood up to 75%, HealthyCare up to 50% and HealthyBaby up to 50%.
- As well as fitness devices, Nike gear and apparel are the same with 10%, 15% and 25%, and up to 50% when achieving Active Rewards goals and up to 75% with Discovery Bank.
Medical Aid Quotes | Gap Cover Quotes | Life Insurance | Vitality
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